Tuesday 1 April 2014

Dead Gulls!!

There is always the odd gull casualty on the patch.  With the numbers that visit, it is inevitable that a few of them will be ailing and some then die.  The carcasses don't tend to last too long, as Red Kites are quick to take an easy meal.  There was a rather sick looking BHG a week or two ago, which eventually perished and became a Kite meal - the pile of feathers on the spit are all that is left.

I noticed a dead BHG on the east bank a week or 2 ago and a dead Coot on the NE bank.  Today, another BHG was looking rather forlorn as it floated about on the southern side of the lake, whilst on the west side I found a very fresh looking corpse of an adult LBBG.  I always begin to worry when I see what seems like an increase in casualties, plus the location of today's LBBG in the hedge line between two paths on the west side seemed a bit odd.  I couldn't see any signs of gun shot wounds, but that it always my concern.

1 comment:

  1. I have been asked if I'm Adam Bassett twice this week, not sure why, but a huge compliment ! May be all you have to do is mention Little Marlow and Garganey.

    One was no less then Badger of Oxon renown, looking for Garganey at Otmoor. Unluckily for him he was 3 days early and someone else found a drake there yesterday.
