Wednesday, 4 July 2012

White Gulls

4th July - I popped down again early afternoon to see if I could read the red ring on the adult YLG.  Most of the LWHG still seemed to be present and the 2 adult YLG were sitting on the northern side of the spit, so I waited to see if they would move.

Whilst doing this, I noticed a white-winged gull flying towards the near spit - an adult Med Gull - it was c1:30pm and the gull landed and proceeded to preen.  It never looked particularly settled - after a few minutes it took off and landed on the back of the spit with the LWHG, it then returned to the near spit only to take off again fly a circuit and return.  The last time I saw it was just before a helicopter flew over, after which it had vanished having been on site for only 20 minutes or so.  It looked to be moulting its inner primaries and the hood was beginning to get a few white flecks in it. Some record shots below:

As I waited, I also took the opportunity to recount the waders seen this morning.  This time there were a definite 11 LRPs, 10 adults and the juvenile and 2 Common Sands.

Some time after 2pm, something unseen spooked the whole flock of LWHG and rather than taking flight and returning as they often do, they all circled higher and higher and left the site, so the red ring will have to wait for another day!

A little later, 3 Oystercatchers flew in and a leucistic Black-headed Gull also landed for a couple of minutes before departing - not as white as some I have seen, but quite distinctive nonetheless.

A Hobby flew over as I left to collect the kids.


  1. nice to meet you today thanks for yellow legs info cheers mick

    1. No worries - shame the weather was so naff! Hopefully there'll be more than YLG to look at next time you come by.
