Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Drake Pintail

8th December - we seem to have entered a period where the bird life is more or less the same on each visit.  However, this morning, a lovely male Pintail had dropped in - a fairly scarce bird here, but always a welcome sight in full winter plumage.  He had chosen an area on the east side of the spit, which is always fairly distant from any point on the lake edge, so I could only take a record shot.  Initially looking quite wary and even taking short flights at times when other birds were disturbed by over flying Red Kites, he eventually settled down and went to sleep on the water.

A Firecrest was reported on Sunday, apparently seen on the west side with a tit flock.  I spent some time, as always in fact, checking the tit flocks and drew a blank.  There are lots of Goldcrests about though - I had 7 together around a small holly bush and well in to double figures just on the small stretch of west bank, so the number around the whole lake must be pretty high.  Just a single Chiffchaff heard, but there are at least three around the lake at the moment.

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