15th May - an early start in the hope that as the overnight rain stopped, some birds might move through. In reality, this did happen, but only to the tune of 2 Ringed Plovers. Ah well, a year tick, so can't complain. These birds flew in at 6:40am, never looked very settled and seemed to have disappeared an hour later. A shockingly awful record in low light which makes the bird on the right look a bit like a Turnstone (I wish!). You can just about make out the orange based bill etc..
And here's a much better record from Dick Seekins, as he doesn't use a box brownie and a milk bottle!
The only other wader on site was a Redshank that flew in at 8:20am, but that didn't stay long either!
As ever, the LWHG flock was worth a scan. The regular 1st summer YL Gull was there again, but so too was a nice looking 3rd summer - a couple of records of this bird below. Looking superficially adult like, this bird still has black primary coverts, some black in the tail and a pale tipped bill with a small black sub terminal bar on the upper mandible.
A Hobby either flew through 3 times over an hour, or more than one bird was involved. At one point, it attempted to catch a low flying hirundine and was barely a few inches above the water! It must be getting hungry, as there won't be any dragonflies on the wing in this weather and very few insects - it was only 5 degrees C this morning! 4 Shelduck were the best of the rest.
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