Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Another Brent

28th November - a lovely day to be out, the chill of Winter, but lovely bright blue skies and sunshine.  I was a little late out this morning and only got to the lake at about 9:45am.  I was soon joined by Mick S and we chatted for a while.  At about 10:15am, I noticed a small, dark goose dropping in.  It had flown over our heads from the west and was coming down on the east side of the spit.  Would you believe it, another adult Dark-bellied Brent Goose - my third Brent for the patch and second at the lake, following the recent September bird.

The goose looked fairly wary and alert most of the time it was on site and never seemed too settled, looking as though it might take off at any minute.  However, it remained on the lake for at least 3 hours, during which time it did take off and fly around once, but decided to return.  It was not seen later in the afternoon by myself and several other people.  It came onto the spit amongst the Greylags for a short while, but spent most of its time alone on the lake.  In fact, just before I left it, it had swum right over to the SE corner, just a few yards off the edge and followed the edge all the way up the east bank and around towards Works Bay, where it swam out of view.

It was generally distant for photos, but did approach closer at times if stood still long enough.

Tiny goose!

Often checking out the skies above

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