It took a few minutes to get there, but when I did, the east bank was a awash with geese and I could see no waders at all! Unfortunately the main island creates a large area of hidden spit behind which was presumably my bird. I began to walk back, scanning as I went and eventually found the wader walking along the southern part of the spit. Now in good light, but still distant, it was clearly a juvenile Spotted Redshank. I tried taking some record shots, but at distance, it was pretty hopeless.
I decided to walk back around as the bird was now probably closer to the west bank. However, as I made my way up the west bank, it took flight calling. I could hear it calling and defining its southward path, but could not see it, but it decided to bank around and landed on the spit in front of the island - distant again! The bird was becoming quite edgy and began calling quite a bit and then took flight again. This time it landed closer to the near spit where I was able to get a better record shot, albeit into the sun.
I had taken far too long and work beckoned so I had to leave. The Spotshank was still there when I left, but 10 minutes later when Jim R arrived, it had gone. It was obviously not happy and had continued on its way.
Spotted Redshank is pretty scarce on patch and this is only my second record following a moulting adult in April 2013. Funnily enough, another juvenile turned up this morning (I should mention London buses now....), which was not there when I checked in the morning, but was found by Alan S at 10am.
1st record at huge distance but shows open wings |
Closer and slightly better but into the sun |